PTO Board Meeting
January 10, 2024
Zoom meeting
Administration & PTO Board Members in Attendance
Ms. Read, Paula Strozak, Pam Byerly, Jason Cooper, Valerie Nugent,
Nicole Musillami, Jeni Graham, Rocco Casamassimo
Updates from Administration and Board Members
Ms. Read shared that she and the teachers were happy to welcome the students back after winter break. The Holiday Parties went well (prior to break) and she noted her appreciation to the PTO. There is a lot of planning coming up at school, including a teacher version of “Battle of the Books” and mid-year student success data reporting. In addition, Ms. Read reported Spring Ave. will be presenting at the February School Board meeting and will highlight the Buddy Program with the 6th & 1st graders.
The PTO, Room parents and volunteers are in the process of planning the Valentine’s Day classroom parties. In addition, Parent Teacher Conferences (PTC) are coming up- and the PTO is working to determine food offerings for the teachers. A sign-up will go out via Parent Square for any items/needs for PTC day. This year the 5th & 6th grade Sock Hop will not be taking place.
The After 3 Program is in the process of being revamped and the PTO Board and Spring Ave. Administrators are working with the Right at School organization (also coordinates our after care program) to oversee all aspects of the program (offerings, logistics, registration/payment). There will likely be a cost increase due to their taking over of the program.
At this time many incoming Kindergarten families are starting to think about and prepare for the next school year. Kindergarten registration will take place on March 7th.
Trivia Night is coming up- January 26th. Tickets can be purchased via the PTO Website. There is a new Trivia vendor this year and the theme is “Games”. The Trivia Co-Chairs are working to obtain raffle items and they look forward to welcoming Spring families from all grade groups!
In addition to Trivia Night, the PTO Board and Co-Chairs are planning Fun Fair (March 8th, Spring Ave.) and the Adult Social (April 12, the Stadium Club @ the Max).
The next retail fundraiser is Q-BBQ, January 16th and the next Fun Lunch is Friday, February 9th.
The PTO currently has an “Available Cash” balance of $29,977. The PTO Board and Ms. Read are discussing “wish list” items that the PTO will specifically be fundraising for. As the items are determined, families will know the item(s) and goal. It is important to know where the funds go- every ticket, raffle and retail fundraisers go directly to school and students!
The next PTO meeting will be in March, followed by the last meeting of the school year in May. Dates and times will be forthcoming.